The different s-sounds

Words can end in three different s-sounds:
  • [s] which sounds like a snake:
  • [z] which sounds like a bee:
  • [əz]

Die verschiedenen s-Laute

Wörter können mit drei unterschiedlichen s-Lauten enden:
  • [s] das wie eine Schlange klingt:
  • [z] das wie eine Biene klingt:
  • [əz]
Listen to the word and decide, which s-sound it ends with.
Höre dir das Wort an und entscheide, mit welchem s-Laut es endet.

  • The word skills ends with the sound
    • [s]
    • [ɪz]
    • [z]

  • The word languages ends with the sound
    • [z]
    • [s]
    • [ɪz]

  • The word keys ends with the sound
    • [ɪz]
    • [z]
    • [s]

  • The word plates ends with the sound
    • [s]
    • [z]
    • [ɪz]

  • The form closes ends with the sound
    • [ɪz]
    • [s]
    • [z]

  • The word steps ends with the sound
    • [s]
    • [ɪz]
    • [z]
For further audiovisual explanation, watch the following videoclip:
Zur weiteren audiovisuellen Erklärung kannst du folgenden Videoclip anschauen:

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