The verb "can"


Can is a verb that is very often used in the English language. We use it when we
  • express that someone is able to do something: He can speak Spanish.;
  • express that something is possible: The kids can stay at our place after school.;
  • ask for something: Can I have some water, please?;
  • ask for or give permission: Can I go to the party tonight? Yes, you can go.;
  • offer to do something: Can I help you?.

Statements with can

The verb can always requires the infinitive form of the following verb: She can swim. They can go. We can meet you there, okay? Rule: Noun/pronoun + can + infinitive + ….
Can has only one form. It does not change with he, she, it:
  • I can
  • You can
  • He, She, It can
  • We can
  • You can
  • They can
The "negative form" of can is can't or cannot: You cannot go to that party! She can't speak English. I can't call you because my phone is out of order.

Questions with can

Remember that we ask a Yes/No Question using the verb "to be": form of to be + noun/pronoun + …? Are you tired? The same rule applies for questions with the verb can: can + noun/pronoun + verb + …?
She can swim. Can she swim? I can help you. Can I help you? Anna can speak German. Can Anna speak German?

Short answers with can

You can answer questions with Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they/… can. or No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they/… can't.:
Can you swim? Yes, I can. Can I help you? Yes, you can. Can Peter speak Spanish? No, he can't.
Although can't is the short form of cannot, you usually don't use cannot in short answers without a verb following. With cannot, the answer would be longer: Can Peter speak Spanish? No, he cannot speak Spanish.

Das Verb "can"


Can ist ein Verb, das in der englischen Sprache sehr oft gebraucht wird. Wir benutzen es, wenn wir
  • ausdrücken, dass jemand in der Lage ist, etwas zu tun: He can speak Spanish.;
  • ausdrücken, dass etwas möglich ist: The kids can stay at our place after school.;
  • um etwas bitten: Can I have some water, please?;
  • um Erlaubnis bitten oder sie geben: Can I go to the party tonight? Yes, you can go.;
  • anbieten, etwas zu tun: Can I help you?.

Aussagen mit can

Das Verb can fordert immer die Grundform des folgenden Verbs: She can swim. They can go. We can meet you there, okay? Regel: Nomen/Pronomen + can + Infinitiv (Grundform) + ….
Can hat nur eine Form. Diese verändert sich nicht bei he, she, it:
  • I can
  • You can
  • He, She, It can
  • We can
  • You can
  • They can
Die "verneinte Form" von can ist can't oder cannot: You cannot go to that party! She can't speak English. I can't call you because my phone is broken.

Fragen mit can

Erinnere dich daran, wie man eine Entscheidungsfrage mit dem Verb to be stellt: Form von to be + Nomen/Pronomen + …? Are you tired? Die selbe Regel gilt für Fragen mit dem Verb can: can + Nomen/Pronomen + Verb + …?
She can swim. Can she swim? I can help you. Can I help you? Anna can speak German. Can Anna speak German?

Kurzantworten mit can

Du kannst solche Fragen mit Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they/… can. oder No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they/… can't. beantworten.
Can you swim? Yes, I can. Can I help you? Yes, you can. Can Peter speak Spanish? No, he can't.
Obwohl can't die Kurzform von cannot ist, benutzt man cannot normalerweise nicht in Kurzantworten ohne ein darauffolgendes Verb. Mit cannot wäre die Antwort länger: Can Peter speak Spanish? No, he cannot speak Spanish.
Give brief answers to the questions using the verb can. Keep the pronoun. Example: Can she read? Yes, she can. or No, she can't.
Beantworte die Fragen mit einer Kurzantwort mit dem Verb can. Behalte das Pronomen bei. Beispiel: Can she read? Yes, she can. or: No, she can't.
  1. Can we wait? Yes, ⁠.
  2. Can he drive? Yes, ⁠.
  3. Can she help? Yes, ⁠.
  4. Can we leave? No, ⁠!
  5. Can they sing? No, ⁠!
  6. Can she come? No, ⁠!
You've just finished the first part of this unit's grammar section.
Du hast den 1. Teil des Grammatikbereichs dieser Unit beendet.

