Demonstrative pronouns
You use demonstrative pronouns to make statements about people, things and places. The pronouns are:
- this, these
- that, those
Use "this" with a single person, thing or place that is close to you: I like this park very much. This car has broken down. This is my sister.
Use "these" with many people, things or places that are close to you: These are my parents. These drinks taste great. I like these colours.
Use "that" with a single person, thing or place that is not close to you: I don't like that park in London very much. That car over there has broken down. That was my sister on the phone. That movie yesterday was great.
Use "those" with many people, things or places that are not close to you:
Those are my parents over there. Those books of yours were very good! Do you see those cars in front of that yellow house?
You can also use this/these and that/those to talk about time:
The weather is bad these days.
now and the days before
Women had no rights in those days.
many years ago

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct pronoun: this, these, that or those.
Du benutzt Demonstrativpronomen, um Aussagen über Menschen, Dinge und Orte zu machen. Die Pronomen sind:
- this, these
- that, those
Benutze "this" in Verbindung mit einer einzelnen Person, Sache oder einem einzelnen Ort, in deren/dessen Nähe du dich befindest: I like this park here very much. This car is broken. This is my sister.
Benutze "these" in Verbindung mit vielen Menschen, Dingen oder Orten, in deren Nähe du dich befindest: These are my parents. These drinks are great. I like these colours.
Benutze "that" in Verbindung mit einer einzelnen Person, Sache oder einem einzelnen Ort, die/der weiter von dir entfernt ist: I don't like that park in London very much. That car over there is broken. That is my sister on the phone. That movie yesterday was great.
Benutze "those" in Verbindung mit vielen Menschen, Dingen oder Orten, die weiter von dir entfernt sind: Those are my parents over there. Those books of yours were very good! Do you see those cars in front of that yellow house?
Du kannst this/these und that/those auch benutzen, um über Zeit zu sprechen:
The weather is bad these days.
jetzt und die Tage zuvor
Women had no rights in those days.
vor vielen vielen Jahren

Vervollständige die Sätze, indem du das richtige Pronomen wählst: this, these, that oder those.
There is/are
There is a difference between "This is" and the chunk "There is".
You use the chunk "There is" when you say that something exists: There is a post office in town. There is a car in front of the house.
Use "There is" with one person, thing or place and "There are" with many people, things or places: There is only one glass left. There are three drinks on the table. There is a playground next to the house. There are many shops in town.
There is/are
Es gibt einen Unterschied zwischen "This is" und dem Chunk "There is".
Du benutzt dem Chunk "There is", wenn du sagst, dass etwas existiert oder vorhanden ist: There is a post office in town. There is a car in front of the house.
Benutze "There is" in Verbindung mit einer einzelnen Person, Sache oder einem einzelnen Ort und "There are" in Verbindung mit mehreren Personen, Sachen oder Orten: There is only one glass left. There are three drinks on the table. There is a playground next to the house. There are many shops in town.
Achtung: Im Deutschen wird der Chunk "There is" nicht mit "Dort ist" übersetzt, sondern mit "Es gibt".
Read the sentences. Then write either "there" or "this" in the gaps.
Lies die Sätze. Dann schreibe "there" oder "this" in die Lücke.
Complete the sentences. Write the chunk "There is" or "There are" in the gap.
Vervollständige die Sätze. Schreibe den Chunk "There is" oder "There are" in die Lücke.