The verb "to get"

The verb "to get" has three different meanings.
It can mean:
Das Verb "to get" hat hauptsächlich drei verschiedene Bedeutungen.
Es kann heißen:
to receive When will I get your message?
to become Take your coat with you, it can get very cold at night here!
to bring/buy/find/fetch Can you get me a glass of water, please?
erhalten When will I get your message?
werden Take your coat with you, it can get very cold at night here!
bringen/kaufen/finden Can you get me a glass of water, please?
It can be added to the following words without changing their meanings:
  • "to have"
  • and "to have to"
For example:
Es kann, ohne ihre Bedeutung zu ändern, zu folgenden Wörtern hinzugefügt werden:
  • "to have"
  • and "to have to"
Zum Beispiel:
  • Johnny has a dog. = Johnny has got a dog.
  • He has to take the dog for a walk three times a day. = He has got to take the dog for a walk three times a day.
  • Do I have time? = Have I got time?
It is also part of some Phrasal Verbs.
Es ist auch Teil einiger Phrasal Verbs.
  • to get on (… a bike, a car etc.) He got on the train at the last minute!
  • to get on with someone Lucy and I get along very well; we've become friends!
  • to get to a place = to arrive at a place He better get here before class starts…
In the exercise below, you have to find the pairs that have the same meaning!
In der folgenden Übung musst du die Paare finden, die die gleiche Bedeutung haben!
  • I've got to go now.
  • Can you buy some milk at the supermarket?
  • We'll arrive there at 8.
  • I don't know how to go there.
  • You better become used to it.
  • I have to go now.
  • You better get used to it.
  • We'll get there at 8.
  • Can you get some milk from the supermarket?
  • I don't know how to get there.

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