Simple Present

Mit dem Simple Present drückst du Zustände (z.B. "I am old") und Handlungen (z.B. "I read a book") aus, die in der Gegenwart statt finden.

Simple Present:
(einfache Form der Gegenwart)

Tagesabläufe, regelmäßige Ereignisse oder Tatsachen, Gefühle oder Zustände beschreiben
  • I/you/we/they + Infinitive
  • he/she/it + Infinitive + s
always, never, often, seldom, rarely, sometimes, usually, normally, regularly, etc. every day, every week, every month, …
Bejahte Aussage
I walk, she walks, they take, he takes
Verneinte Aussage
I don’t walk, she doesn’t walk, they don’t take, he doesn’t take
Do I walk? Does she walk? Do they take? Does he take?

Present: Present Progressive
(Verlaufsform der Gegenwart)

Dinge beschreiben, die genau im Moment des Sprechens geschehen, oder die ausnahmsweise geschehen; über einen Plan sprechen, der in der nahen Zukunft ausgeführt wird
am/are/is (simple present form of to be) + Infinitive + ing
at the moment, right now, just, now, at present, currently, Look!
Bejahte Aussage
I am walking, she is walking, they are taking, he is taking
Verneinte Aussage
I am not walking, she isn't walking, they aren't taking, he isn't taking
Am I walking? Is she walking? Are they taking? Is he taking?

Past: Simple Past
(Einfache Form der Vergangenheit)

Über Dinge sprechen, die in der Vergangenheit passiert sind und die zum Zeitpunkt des Sprechens abgeschlossen oder vorbei sind
  • Regular verbs: Infinitive + ed
  • Irregular verbs: simple past form
yesterday, the other day, in 2009, when, at that time two days ago, a week ago, a month ago, … last night, last week, last month, …
Bejahte Aussage
I walked, she walked, they took, he took
Verneinte Aussage
I didn't walk, she didn't walk, they didn't take, he didn't take
Did I walk? Did she walk? Did they take? Did he take?

Past: Past Progressive
(Verlaufsform der Vergangenheit)

Handlungen oder Dinge beschreiben, die in der Vergangenheit abgelaufen sind, auch wenn etwas anderes den Ablauf plötzlich unterbrach
was/were (simple past form of to be) + Infinitive + ing
Bejahte Aussage
I was walking, she was walking, they were taking, he was taking
Verneinte Aussage
I wasn't walking, she wasn't walking, they weren't taking, he wasn't taking
Was I walking? Was she walking? Were they taking? Was he taking?

Past: Present Perfect Simple
(vollendete Gegenwart)

Das Ergebnis von etwas betonen, über Dinge sprechen, die zu einem unbekannten Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit geschahen, Dinge beschreiben, die in der Vergangenheit begannen und zum Zeitpunkt des Sprechens noch nicht abgeschlossen sind
have/has (simple present form of to have) + past participle
since, for, already, yet, before, ever, never, still not, so far, just, up to now, recently, until now
Bejahte Aussage
I have walked, she has walked, they have taken, he has taken
Verneinte Aussage
I haven't walked, she hasn't walked, they haven't taken, he hasn't taken
Have I walked? Has she walked? Have they taken? Has he taken?

Past: Present Perfect Progressive
(Verlaufsform der vollendeten Vergangenheit)

Die Dauer von etwas betonen, Dinge beschreiben, die in der Vergangenheit begannen und zum Zeitpunkt des Sprechens immer noch andauern und/oder die Gegenwart beeinflussen
have/has (simple present form of to have) + been + Infinitive + ing
for, since, how long, all day, all day long, the whole day/week/month/year
Bejahte Aussage
I have been walking, she has been walking, they have been taking, he has been taking
Verneinte Aussage
I haven't been walking, she hasn't been walking, they haven't been taking, he hasn't been taking
Have I been walking? Has she been walking? Have they been taking? Has he been taking?

Past: Past Perfect Simple

Betonen, dass etwas in der Vergangenheit aufhörte oder vorbei war, als etwas anderes begann, die Tatsache beschreiben, dass etwas vor einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt geschah
had (simple past form of to have) + past participle
already, until that day, never, just
Bejahte Aussage
I had walked, she had walked, they had taken, he had taken
Verneinte Aussage
I hadn't walked, she hadn't walked, they hadn't taken, he hadn't taken
Had I walked? Had she walked? Had they taken? Had he taken?

Past: Past Perfect Progressive
(Verlaufsform der Vorvergangenheit)

Den Ablauf oder die Dauer von etwas beschreiben, Dinge beschreiben, die in der Vergangenheit geschahen und endeten oder die zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit vorbei waren
had (simple past form of to have) + been + Infinitive + ing
for, since, how long, all day, after, before
Bejahte Aussage
I had been walking, she had been walking, they had been taking, he had been taking
Verneinte Aussage
I hadn't been walking, she hadn't been walking, they hadn't been taking, he hadn't been taking
Had I been walking? Had she been walking? Had they been taking? Had he been taking?

Future: Will-Future

Dinge beschreiben, die sicherlich in der Zukunft passieren werden, über Erwartungen, Hoffnungen, Annahmen oder spontane Entscheidungen sprechen
will + Infinitive
tomorrow, next week/month/year, in 2021, expect, believe, hope, suppose, think, probably
Bejahte Aussage
I will walk, she will walk, they will take, he will take
Verneinte Aussage
I won't walk, she won't walk, they won't take, he won't take
Will I walk? Will she walk? Will they take? Will he take?

Future: Going-to-Future
(Zukunft mit going to)

Zukünftige Pläne, Ziele und Folgen beschreiben, über Dinge sprechen, die in der nahen Zukunft passieren werden
am/are/is (simple present form of to be) + going to + Infinitive
tomorrow, next week/month/year, in 2011
Bejahte Aussage
I am going to walk, she is going to walk, they are going to take, he is going to take
Verneinte Aussage
I am not going to walk, she isn't going to walk, they aren't going to take, he isn't going to take
Am I going to walk? Is she going to walk? Are they going to take? Is he going to take?

Future: Future Progressive
(Verlaufsform der Zukunft)

Dinge beschreiben, die zukünftig ablaufen werden, über Dinge sprechen, die normalerweise in der Zukunft geschehen
will + be + Infinitive + ing
tomorrow, next week/month/year, in 2041
Bejahte Aussage
I will be walking, she will be walking, they will be taking, he will be taking
Verneinte Aussage
I won't be walking, she won't be walking, they won't be taking, he won't be taking
Will I be walking? Will she be walking? Will they be taking? Will he be taking?

Future: Future Perfect
(vollendete Zukunft)

Über Dinge sprechen, die zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Zukunft abgeschlossen oder vorbei sein werden
will + have + past participle
until, before by the end of the day, by the end of the week, by the end of the month, …
Bejahte Aussage
I will have walked, she will have walked, they will have taken, he will have taken
Verneinte Aussage
I won't have walked, she won't have walked, they won't have taken, he won't have taken
Will I have walked? Will she have walked? Will they have taken? Will he have taken?

The simple present tense

The simple present tense is one of the basic tenses in the English language. It is the first tense you learn before all other tenses. It is very important to know how to build it.

Positive statements

  • With I, you, we, they, verbs in the simple present tense don't have any special ending. You simply use the infinitive form of the verb: I want.., You need.., We go.., They like...
  • With he, she, it you need to add -s to the verb: he wants, she needs, he likes, he eats, she meets, it works.
Read the simple present forms of the verb to have. There is an exception to the rule above:
  • I have
  • You have
  • He, she, it has
  • We have
  • You have
  • They have
As you see, you don't just add s to the verb have! You must use the form has with he, she, it.
Note: the verb to have indicates possession: I have a car. She has a dog. They have a new house. You can also use the verb have got to indicate possession: I have got a car. She has got a dog. They have got a new house.
Have or has? Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to have in the simple present tense.

Die einfache Form der Gegenwart: Simple Present

Das Simple Present ist eine der grundlegenden Zeiten der englischen Sprache. Du lernst diese Zeit vor allen anderen. Es ist sehr wichtig zu wissen, wie man diese Zeit bildet.

Bejahte Aussagesätze

  • In Verbindung mit I, you, we, they haben Verben keine besondere Endung. Du benutzt einfach die Grundform des Verbs: I want.., You need.., We go.., They like...
  • In Verbindung mit he, she, it musst du -s zum Verb hinzufügen: he wants, she needs, he likes, he eats, she meets, it works.
Lies die Simple Present Formen des Verbs have. Es gibt hier eine Ausnahme zu der oben genannten Regel:
  • I have
  • You have
  • He, she, it has
  • We have
  • You have
  • They have
Wie du siehst, fügst du nicht einfach s zu dem Verb "to have" hinzu! Du musst die Form has mit he, she, it gebrauchen.
Beachte: das Verb have zeigt einen Besitz an: I have a car. She has a dog. They have a new house. Genauso kannst du das Verb have got benutzen, um einen Besitz anzuzeigen: I have got a car. She has got a dog. They have got a new house.
Have oder has?Fülle die Lücken mit der richtigen Form von dem Verb "to have" in der Zeitform Simple Present aus.
  • Anna a cold. She a headache and doesn't feel well. That's why she to stay in bed. Pedro enters the room and says: "Hey Anna, we will have lunch soon. Can you get up?" Anna replies: "No, I can't. I a very bad headache." Pedro: "Ok, then lunch in bed today!"

Negative statements

To negate a sentence in the simple present tense, we use "don't" or "doesn't".
Use "don't" with I, you, we, they + infinitive form of the main verb to negate a statement:
  • I don't like parties.
  • You don't listen to me.
  • We don't have a car.
  • They don't have any money.
  • I don't want any ice-cream.
Use "doesn't" with he, she, it + infinitive form of the main verb to negate a statement:
  • He doesn't like apples.
  • She doesn't use a computer.
  • It doesn't work.
  • He doesn't have a swimming lesson today.
  • She doesn't know that.
Look at the pictures and answer the questions. When the picture is crossed out, write a negative answer. For example: Does he have a car? No, he doesn't have a car.. When there is a picture without a cross, write a positive answer: Does he have a car? Yes, he has a car.

Verneinte Aussagesätze

Um einen Satz in der einfachen Gegenwartsform zu verneinen, benutzen wir "don't" oder "doesn't".
Nutze "don't" mit I, you, we, they + Grundform des Hauptverbs, um eine Aussage zu verneinen:
  • I don't go to that party.
  • You don't listen to me.
  • We don't have a car.
  • They don't have any money.
  • I don't want any ice cream.
Nutze "doesn't" mit he, she, it + Grundform des Hauptverbs, um eine Aussage zu verneinen:
  • He doesn't like apples.
  • She doesn't call you back.
  • It doesn't work.
  • He doesn't have swimming lesson today.
  • She doesn't know that.
Schaue dir die Bilder an und beantworte die Fragen. Wenn das Bild durchgestrichen ist, schreibe eine verneinte Antwort. Zum Beispiel: Does he have a car? No, he doesn't have a car.. Bei einem Bild ohne Kreuz schreibe eine bejahte Antwort: Does he have a car? Yes, he has a car.
  • bike
    Does he have a bike? ⁠.
  • car
    Do they have a car? ⁠.
  • dog
    Does she have a dog? ⁠.
  • cat
    Do they have a cat? ⁠.
  • football
    Do we have a ball? ⁠.

Questions in the simple present tense

Yes/No Questions with do/does

Yes/No Questions require somebody to make a decision. The answer can be either Yes or No.
To form questions in the simple present tense, you use "do" or "does" + the infinitive of the main verb:
  • Use "do" with the pronouns I, you, we, they.
  • Use "does" with the pronouns he, she, it.
  • I like parties.Do you like parties?
  • You eat ice cream.Do you eat ice cream?
  • He likes music.Does he like music?
  • She plays the drums.Does she play the drums?
  • It works well.Does it work well?
  • We watch TV.Do we watch TV?
  • They like football.Do they like football?
Note: Use do or does + the infinitive form of the main verb! Do not add s to the verb: Does he plays the drums? That's wrong! The s for "he, she, it" is already included in the form does!
Do the sentences start with Do or Does? Decide via drag and drop.

Fragen in der Zeitform Simple Present


Ja-Nein-Fragen fragen jemanden nach einer Entscheidung. Die Antwort kann Ja oder Nein sein.
Um Fragen im Simple Present zu formulieren, benutze "do" oder "does" + Hauptverb:
  • Gebrauche "do" mit den Pronomen I, you, we, they.
  • Gebrauche "does" mit den Pronomen he, she, it.
  • I like parties.Do you like parties?
  • You eat ice cream.Do you eat ice cream?
  • He likes music.Does he like music?
  • She plays the drums.Does she play the drums?
  • It works well.Does it work well?
  • We watch TV.Do we watch TV?
  • They like football.Do they like football?
Beachte: Benutze do oder does + die Grundform des Hauptverbs! Füge kein s an das Verb an: Does he plays the drums? Das ist falsch! Das s von he, she, ist bereits in der Form does enthalten!
Beginnen die Sätze mit Do oder Does? Entscheide per Drag and Drop.
  • he bother you?
  • he ride his bike?
  • it look okay?
  • she work with you?
  • you like me?
  • they watch TV?
  • you want to come?
  • it rain?
  • they like Spain?
  • I look good?
  • the party start at 6?
  • we leave soon?
Write questions in the simple present tense. Use the words from the answers. For example: If the answer is Yes, she plays football. then write Does she play football?.
Schreibe Fragen in der Zeitform Simple Present. Benutze die Wörter aus den Antworten. Zum Beispiel: Wenn die Antwort Yes, she plays football. ist, dann schreibe Does she play football?.
  1. ⁠? – Yes, she goes to college.
  2. ⁠? – Yes, we have dinner at 6 pm.
  3. ⁠? – Yes, they come to the party.
  4. ⁠? – No, he doesn't play tennis.
  5. ⁠? – No, we don't go to the movies.

Short answers

Remember how we form Yes/No Questions with the verb "to be": Are you tired?. You've already learned that you don't just answer with Yes or No, because that is sometimes impolite. Instead, you give a short answer: Yes, I am. or No, I am not..
The same rule applies to giving short answers to Yes/No Questions with other main verbs:
  • Do you like parties?Yes, I do. or No, I don't.
  • Does he like music?Yes, he does. or No, he doesn't.
  • Does she play the drums?Yes, she does. or No, she doesn't.
  • Does it work well?Yes, it does. or No, it doesn't.
  • Do we watch TV?Yes, we do. or No, we don't.
  • Do they like football?Yes, they do. or No, they don't.
Yes/No + personal pronoun + do/don't or does/doesn't
  • Use do with I, you, we, they.
  • Use does with he, she, it.


Erinnere dich daran, wie man Entscheidungsfragen mit dem Verb "to be" bildet: Are you tired?. Du hast bereits gelernt, dass man darauf nicht einfach mit Ja oder Nein antwortet, da dies manchmal unhöflich ist. Stattdessen benutzt du eine Kurzantwort: Yes, I am. oder No, I am not..
Die gleiche Regel gilt auch für Kurzantworten auf Entscheidungsfragen mit anderen Hauptverben:
  • Do you go to the party?Yes, I do. or No, I don't.
  • Does he like music?Yes, he does. or No, he doesn't.
  • Does she play the drums?Yes, she does. or No, she doesn't.
  • Does it work well?Yes, it does. or No, it doesn't.
  • Do we drive to the city?Yes, we do. or No, we don't.
  • Do they like football?Yes, they do. or No, they don't.
Yes/No + Personalpronomen + do/don't oder does/doesn't
Noch einmal:
  • Gebrauche do mit I, you, we, they.
  • Gebrauche does mit he, she, it.
Read the following text and spot the mistakes. Select the incorrect use of do or does by clicking on the forms.
Lies den folgenden Text und finde die Fehler. Wähle die falschen Formen von do oder does aus, indem du sie anklickst.
  • Anna and Pedro talk about Michael and Josh, their next-door neighbours. Anna says: " Does you like them?". "Yes, I do . I think they are all right. How about you? Do you want to play with them again?" Anna: "Yes, I does . They seem nice. But Josh asked me yesterday ' Do your brother really play no sports regularly?' and I said 'No, he don't , but he likes other stuff like playing the guitar or working on his computer.' I don't know why he asked me that. I think it was strange."
Practise short answers in the simple present. Choose the right form and complete the answer.
Übe Kurzantworten im Simple Present. Wähle die richtige Form aus, um die Antwort zu vervollständigen.
  1. Does she really come from Italy? – Yes, she ⁠.
  2. Does he live with you? – No, he ⁠.
  3. Do you mind if I borrow your book? – No, I ⁠.
  4. Do we need any milk? – Yes, we ⁠.
  5. Do you live with your parents? – Yes, I ⁠.
  6. Do they often eat at a restaurant? – Yes, they ⁠.


You use the simple present in two situations:
1. You use it to say that something (usually an action) is a regular routine, event or a fact:
  • You always have lunch at 12.30 pm.
  • It always does that.
  • You never tell us about your parents.
  • He sometimes calls me "Honey".
  • We usually go to the cinema on the weekend.
All these sentences have special adverbials of frequency like always, never, seldom, rarely, every day, every week, every month, every year, sometimes, usually, normally, regularly, etc. These words often appear with and are an indicator of the simple present!
Be careful with the position of the adverbial: it comes before a main verb like eat, have, like, meet, see, come, call, go, but after the verb "to be":
  • He always comes late. BUT He is always late.
  • She never calls me back. BUT She is never at home when I call her.
  • They sometimes come over to our place. BUT We are never at their place.
Also, there is one more exception: adverbials with every like every morning, every night, every day, every week, every month, every year, every time, … are placed at the end of the sentence:
  • We meet our friends every weekend.
  • They have dinner at 6.30 pm every night.
  • He eats breakfast at 8 o'clock every morning.
2. You use the simple present to talk about a fact or a state like feelings, likes and dislikes that are true for a longer period of time:
  • We live in New York.
  • He hates vegetables.
  • I love you.
  • My English teacher is very nice.
  • She likes chocolate.
  • The dog is 5 years old.
  • Her name is Anna.
  • They have two cats.


Du gebrauchst das Simple Present in zwei Situationen:
1. Du benutzt es, um zu sagen, dass etwas (normalerweise eine Aktion) ein regelmäßiger Ablauf, ein regelmäßiges Ereignis oder eine Tatsache ist:
  • You always have lunch at 12.30 pm.
  • It always does that.
  • You never tell us about your parents.
  • He sometimes calls me "Honey".
  • We usually go to the cinema on the weekend.
All diese Sätze beinhalten besondere Adverbien der Häufigkeit wie always, never, seldom, rarely, every day, every week, every month, every year, sometimes, usually, normally, regularly, etc. Diese Wörter erscheinen oft in Verbindung mit dem Simple Present und sind ein Kennzeichen für diese Zeitform!
Beachte die Stellung des Adverbs: es steht vor einem Hauptverb wie eat, have, like, meet, see, come, call, go, aber nach dem Verb "to be":
  • He always comes late. ABER He is always late.
  • She never calls me back. ABER She is never at home when I call her.
  • They sometimes come over to our place. ABER We are never at their place.
Es gibt außerdem eine weitere Ausnahme: Adverbien mit every wie every morning, every night, every day, every week, every month, every year, every time, … werden an das Satzende gestellt:
  • We meet our friends every weekend.
  • They have dinner at 6.30 pm every night.
  • He eats breakfast at 8 o'clock every morning.
2. Du benutzt das Simple Present, um über eine Tatsache oder einen Zustand wie Gefühle, Vorlieben und Abneigungen, zu sprechen, die für einen längeren Zeitraum der Fall sind:
  • We live in New York.
  • He hates vegetables.
  • I love you.
  • My English teacher is very nice.
  • She likes chocolate.
  • The dog is 5 years old.
  • Her name is Anna.
  • They have two cats.
Take a look at the daily routine of the Fernandez family. Then complete the exercise below. Fill in the first gap with the correct day of the week. Then fill in the second gap with the simple present form of the verb (in brackets). For example: On ____ afternoon, she ___ (play) volleyball. On Tuesday afternoon, she plays volleyball. To read again how to form the simple present, click here.
Schaue dir den Alltag der Familie Fernandez an. Dann vervollständige die unten stehende Übung. Fülle die jeweils erste Lücke mit dem richtigen Wochentag aus. Dann fülle die jeweils zweite Lücke mit dem Verb (in Klammern) in der Zeit des Simple Present aus. Zum Beispiel: On ____ afternoon, she ___ (play) volleyball. On Tuesday afternoon, she plays volleyball. Um noch einmal nachzulesen, wie das Simple Present gebildet wird, klicke hier.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
family breakfast at 7 am Maria art class at 4 pm Anna with her friends at 3 pm Anna late school start at 10 am
school bus at 7.45 am Pedro swims in the evening Pedro's favourite TV show at 7 pm family cinema at 8 pm
  1. Every morning, they (have) breakfast together.
  2. On afternoon, Maria (have) an art class.
  3. On morning, Anna (leave) late for school.
  4. On evening, they often (go) to the cinema together.
  5. On evening, Pedro usually (watch) his favourite TV show.
  6. On afternoon, Anna sometimes (meet) her friends.
  7. On evening, Pedro (like) going to the indoor swimming pool.
  8. On morning, Anna and Pedro (go) to school at 7.45 am.
Listen to the audio file. Then match the times with the actions using Drag and Drop.
Höre dir die Audiodatei an. Dann ordne per Drag and Drop den Wochentagen die Tätigkeiten zu.
  • relax at home
  • business meeting
  • work late
  • go out to clubs
  • visit parents
  • meet my friend Bill
  • go to the gym
  • On Monday
  • On Tuesday afternoon
  • On Wednesday morning
  • On Thursday night
  • On Friday night
  • On Saturday
  • On Sunday

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