The verb "to have (got)"
Positive statements in the simple present tense
- I have
- You have
- He, she, it has
- We have
- You have
- They have
As you see, you don't just add s to the verb have! You must use the form has with he, she, it.
Note: the verb have indicates a possession: I have a car. She has a dog. They have a new house. You can also use the verb have got equally to indicate a possession: I have got a car. She has got a dog. They have got a new house.
Have or has? Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb have in the simple present tense.
Das Verb "to have (got)"
Bejahte Aussagesätze in der Zeitform spimple present
- I have
- You have
- He, she, it has
- We have
- You have
- They have
Wie du siehst, fügst du nicht einfach s zu dem Verb "to have" hinzu! Du musst die Form has mit he, she, it gebrauchen.
Beachte: das Verb have zeigt einen Besitz an: I have a car. She has a dog. They have a new house. Genauso kannst du das Verb have got benutzen, um einen Besitz anzuzeigen: I have got a car. She has got a dog. They have got a new house.
Have oder has? Fülle die Lücken mit der richtigen Form von dem Verb "to have" in der Zeitform Simple Present aus.
Negative statements in the simple present tense
To negate a statement, use "don't/doesn't" + have:
- We don't have a car.
- They don't have any money.
- He doesn't have swimming lesson today.
Look at the pictures and answer the questions. When the picture is crossed out, write a negative answer. For example: Does he have a car?
No, he doesn't have a car.. When there is just a normal picture without a cross, write a positive answer: Does he have a car?
Yes, he has a car.

Verneinte Aussagen in der Zeitform des Simple Present
Um eine Aussage zu verneinen, benutze "don't/doesn't" + have:
- We don't have a car.
- They don't have any money.
- He doesn't have swimming lesson today.
Schaue dir die Bilder an und beantworte die Fragen. Wenn das Bild durchgestrichen ist, schreibe eine verneinte Antwort. Zum Beispiel: Does he have a car?
No, he doesn't have a car. Bei einem Bild ohne Kreuz schreibe eine bejahte Antwort: Does he have a car?
Yes, he has a car.