Modal Verbs

Modal verbs are a certain kind of auxiliary verb. They indicate modality.
Examples of modality are:
  • likelihood
  • ability
  • permission
  • obligation

List of Modal Verbs


Modalverben sind eine bestimmte Sorte von Hilfsverben. Sie zeigen Modalität an.
Beispiele für Modalität sind:
  • Wahrscheinlichkeit
  • Fähigkeit
  • Erlaubnis
  • Verpflichtung

Liste der Modalverben

Can I help you, madam?
Could you please give me some more bread?
May I ask what's wrong?
This might not be such a good idea.
I will talk to him soon.
Would you be so kind and do me a favour?
Shall I open the window?
You should go home now.

Modals that change their meaning

Some modal verbs change their meaning when you negate them. Take a look at the explanation below:

Modalverben, die ihre Bedeutung ändern

Manche Modalverben verändern ihre Bedeutung, wenn sie verneint werden. Sieh dir die Erklärung weiter unten an:
  • must You must see this movie! It's so good!
  • needn't You needn't see that movie. It's quite boring.
  • need We need to get some more milk for tomorrow morning.
  • mustn't You mustn't return home after midnight! It's too dangerous!
As you can see, "must" = "have to", while "mustn't" = "not allowed to"!
To negate "must", you have to say "needn't".


Here are some examples of how to use modal verbs. They are often used for polite conversation.
Wie du sehen kannst, gilt: "must" = "have to", while "mustn't" = "not allowed to"!
Um "must" zu verneinen, musst du "needn't" verwenden.


Hier sind ein paar Beispiele dafür, wie man Modalverben verwendet. Sie werden oft in höflichen Gesprächen verwendet.
  • "Will you come over here right now!" (order, harsh request)
  • "Would you please come over for a second?" (polite request)
  • "Can you help me with the dishes?" (normal question)
  • "Could you please help me with the dishes?" (polite request)
  • "May I help you?" (polite offer)
  • "Let me help you!" (offer)
  • "This is a bad idea." (statement)
  • "This might not be such a good idea." (same meaning, much more polite)
  • "Do you want me to go now?" (direct question)
  • "Shall I go now?" (polite)
  • "Perhaps I should better go now." (very polite)
In our first exercise, match up the sentences that have the same meaning!
In unserer ersten Übung musst du die Sätze miteinander verbinden, die die gleiche Bedeutung haben!
  • It's necessary for me to go to school today.
  • I don't have to go to school now.
  • I am not allowed to go to school today.
  • I have to go to school today.
  • I needn't go to school now.
  • I mustn't go to school today.
  • I must go to school today.
  • I need to go to school today.
In our third and final exercise you have to choose which of the options is the more polite one! Trust your intuition!
Which sentence is the most polite?
In unserer dritten und letzten Übung musst du auswählen, welche Option die höflichste ist! Vertraue deiner Intuition!
Welcher Satz ist der höflichste?
  1. When you are cold…
    • Shall I close the window?
    • I want to close the window!
  2. A waiter wants to collect your dishes…
    • Are you finished? May I take that away?
    • Give me your plate, please.
  3. When you are thirsty…
    • Could I please have a drink?
    • Give me a drink, please.
  4. When you need help carrying shopping bags…
    • Would you please help me carry these bags?
    • Will you help me carry the bags now?

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