The Use of "there is"

The common English phrase "there is" can't always be translated literally. Here are some examples of how it is used:
It can be used in affirmative and negative statements:

Der Gebrauch von "there is"

Die geläufige englische Redeart "there is" kann manchmal nicht wörtlich übersetzt werden. Hier sind ein paar Beispiele dafür, wie sie benutzt wird.
Sie kann in positiven und negativen Aussagesätzen verwendet werden:
  • Look, there's a lighthouse over there!
  • Do you have any more apples? – No, but there are a couple of pears left on the shelf!
  • I think there is nothing more we can do.
  • I expected a huge family, but as it turns out there aren't any children.
It can also be used in questions:
Sie kann auch in Fragesätzen benutzt werden:
  • Excuse me, is there a place where I could get changed?
  • You have so many books! Are there any books you would like to get rid of?
  • Isn't there anything I can do?
  • Aren't there any other firemen?
In the exercise below, you will find different sentences. Turn them into sentences with "there is" and "there are"!
In der Übung weiter unten wirst du verschiedene Sätze finden. Verwandele sie in Sätze mit "there is" und "there are"!
  1. Do you want me to do anything else for you? anything else I can do for you?
  2. The lighthouse stands on Blueberry Road. a lighthouse on Blueberry Road.
  3. We have a few carrots left. only a few carrots left.
  4. Do you still have any cookies? any cookies left?

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