Wortfeld: Aussehen - Grundlegendes - Liste 1
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- Vokabeltrainer: Vokabeln üben und einprägen
- Spiele und Quiz: Vokabeln spielerisch vertiefen
Aussehen | |
Figur | |
aussehen | |
groß | |
kräftig | |
klein | |
schlank | |
dünn | |
fett | |
drahtig | |
mager | |
ausgezehrt |
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imgserver-57-56384512Bild anzeigen
imgserver-57-86525630Bild anzeigen
Übersetzung anzeigen
Übersetzung:- fett
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Synonym(e):chubby, overweight, obese
Antonym(e):lean, skinny, slim, thin
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Übersetzung anzeigen
Übersetzung:- mager
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Vokabeltrainer : Vokabeln üben und einprägen
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Tastatur-Shortcuts: Enter: Auswerten / Zur nächsten Abfrage | Alt+1: Tipp | Alt+2: Lösung
Spiele und Quiz : Vokabeln spielerisch vertiefen
Vervollständige das Wort, indem du die fehlenden Buchstaben eingibst!
appearance |
figure |
look |
tall |
big |
short |
slim |
thin |
fat |
wiry |
skinny |
haggard |
Erratene Wörter:
Klicke auf die beiden Karten, die zusammengehören!
Wort und Bild
Wort und Übersetzung
look | aussehen |
appearance | Aussehen |
skinny | mager |
big | kräftig |
short | klein |
slim | schlank |
tall | groß |
haggard | ausgezehrt |
fat | fett |
thin | dünn |
wiry | drahtig |
figure | Figur |
Wort und Defintion
big | of great size, large, fat |
tall | when a human body is having a vertical extent greater than the average |
appearance | personal presence, the way a person looks |
slim | slender, thin in an attractive way |
skinny | having little flesh and fat; thin, generally beyond what looks beautiful |
short | of comparatively little height |
fat | carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body |
figure | a human figure, which dress or corset must fit to; the shape of a human body |
wiry | very thin, muscular and flexible |
thin | slim, narrow in size, and usually carrying little fat |
look | to appear, to seem, for example shabby or well-groomed |
haggard | looking exhausted and unwell, in poor condition |
Übersetzung und Definition
aussehen | to appear, to seem, for example shabby or well-groomed |
mager | having little flesh and fat; thin, generally beyond what looks beautiful |
dünn | slim, narrow in size, and usually carrying little fat |
kräftig | of great size, large, fat |
klein | of comparatively little height |
Figur | a human figure, which dress or corset must fit to; the shape of a human body |
fett | carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body |
ausgezehrt | looking exhausted and unwell, in poor condition |
groß | when a human body is having a vertical extent greater than the average |
Aussehen | personal presence, the way a person looks |
schlank | slender, thin in an attractive way |
drahtig | very thin, muscular and flexible |
Definition und Bild
![]() | slender, thin in an attractive way |
![]() | looking exhausted and unwell, in poor condition |
![]() | of comparatively little height |
![]() | having little flesh and fat; thin, generally beyond what looks beautiful |
![]() | when a human body is having a vertical extent greater than the average |
![]() | slim, narrow in size, and usually carrying little fat |
![]() | carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body |
![]() | of great size, large, fat |