Wortfeld: Arbeit - Grundlegendes - Liste 2
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Arbeitslosigkeit | |
arbeitslos | |
selbstständig | |
ganztags / vollzeit | |
Vollzeitstelle / Ganztagsstelle | |
halbtags / halbzeit | |
Schicht | |
verdienen | |
Gehalt | |
Lohn | |
Pause | |
kündigen | |
entlassen | |
in Rente gehen |
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Übersetzung:- Arbeitslosigkeit
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Übersetzung:- arbeitslos
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Übersetzung:- ganztags
- vollzeit
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Übersetzung:- halbtags
- halbzeit
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Spiele und Quiz : Vokabeln spielerisch vertiefen
Vervollständige das Wort, indem du die fehlenden Buchstaben eingibst!
unemployment |
unemployed |
shift |
earn |
salary |
wage |
break |
resign |
dismiss |
retire |
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Wort und Übersetzung
retire | in Rente gehen |
part-time | halbtags / halbzeit |
unemployed | arbeitslos |
resign | kündigen |
salary | Gehalt |
earn | verdienen |
full-time | ganztags / vollzeit |
break | Pause |
shift | Schicht |
full-time job | Vollzeitstelle / Ganztagsstelle |
dismiss | entlassen |
unemployment | Arbeitslosigkeit |
self-employed | selbstständig |
wage | Lohn |
Wort und Defintion
resign | to quit a job or position |
part-time | involving less than the normal time for some activity, especially work |
earn | to gain (success) through applied effort or work; to receive (money) for working |
full-time | involving a full amount of time spent on some activity, especially a job |
unemployed | having no job (despite being able and willing to work) |
self-employed | working for oneself, rather than for an employer |
unemployment | the state of having no job; the level of joblessness in an economy, often measured as a percentage of the workforce |
shift | a change of workers, now specifically a set group of workers or period of working time |
dismiss | to end the employment or service of a person |
break | a rest or pause from an activity, usually from work |
retire | to withdraw from a public station, from work, or from business, usually because one has reached a specific age |
salary | a fixed amount of money paid to a worker, usually measured on a monthly or annual basis, not hourly, as wages |
wage | an amount of money paid to a worker for a specified quantity of work, usually expressed on an hourly basis |
full-time job | a job which requires a full amount of time spent on work |
Übersetzung und Definition
Vollzeitstelle / Ganztagsstelle | a job which requires a full amount of time spent on work |
Lohn | an amount of money paid to a worker for a specified quantity of work, usually expressed on an hourly basis |
ganztags / vollzeit | involving a full amount of time spent on some activity, especially a job |
Gehalt | a fixed amount of money paid to a worker, usually measured on a monthly or annual basis, not hourly, as wages |
Schicht | a change of workers, now specifically a set group of workers or period of working time |
arbeitslos | having no job (despite being able and willing to work) |
Pause | a rest or pause from an activity, usually from work |
kündigen | to quit a job or position |
verdienen | to gain (success) through applied effort or work; to receive (money) for working |
entlassen | to end the employment or service of a person |
in Rente gehen | to withdraw from a public station, from work, or from business, usually because one has reached a specific age |
selbstständig | working for oneself, rather than for an employer |
Arbeitslosigkeit | the state of having no job; the level of joblessness in an economy, often measured as a percentage of the workforce |
halbtags / halbzeit | involving less than the normal time for some activity, especially work |