Wortfeld: Geschäfte und Märkte - Liste 1
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Bäcker | |
Metzger | |
Lebensmittelhändler | |
Gemüsehändler | |
Buchhandlung | |
Textilgeschäft / Klamottengeschäft / Kleidergeschäft | |
Juwelier | |
Schuhgeschäft | |
Geschenkartikelladen | |
Schreibwarenladen |
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Übersetzung:- Gemüsehändler
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Synonym(e):produce shop (AE)
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Vokabeltrainer : Vokabeln üben und einprägen
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Spiele und Quiz : Vokabeln spielerisch vertiefen
Vervollständige das Wort, indem du die fehlenden Buchstaben eingibst!
baker |
butcher |
grocer |
greengrocer |
bookshop |
jeweller |
stationer |
Erratene Wörter:
Klicke auf die beiden Karten, die zusammengehören!
Wort und Bild
greengrocer | |
butcher | |
shoe shop | |
bookshop | |
gift shop | |
jeweller | |
clothes shop | |
grocer | |
baker |
Wort und Übersetzung
butcher | Metzger |
jeweller | Juwelier |
stationer | Schreibwarenladen |
baker | Bäcker |
clothes shop | Textilgeschäft / Klamottengeschäft / Kleidergeschäft |
shoe shop | Schuhgeschäft |
grocer | Lebensmittelhändler |
bookshop | Buchhandlung |
greengrocer | Gemüsehändler |
gift shop | Geschenkartikelladen |
Wort und Defintion
gift shop | a shop which sells things than can be given away as gifts |
jeweller | a person whose job is making, repairing or selling jewelry |
shoe shop | a shop that sells footwear and items related to footwear |
butcher | a person who prepares and sells meat (and sometimes also slaughters the animals) |
greengrocer | a person who sells fresh vegetables and fruit, normally from a relatively small shop |
baker | a person who bakes and sells bread, cakes and similar items |
bookshop | a store which sells books and magazines |
stationer | a person or business that sells writing materials |
grocer | a person who sells groceries (foodstuffs and household items) retail from a grocery store |
clothes shop | a shop that sells various clothing |
Übersetzung und Definition
Schreibwarenladen | a person or business that sells writing materials |
Bäcker | a person who bakes and sells bread, cakes and similar items |
Lebensmittelhändler | a person who sells groceries (foodstuffs and household items) retail from a grocery store |
Metzger | a person who prepares and sells meat (and sometimes also slaughters the animals) |
Geschenkartikelladen | a shop which sells things than can be given away as gifts |
Buchhandlung | a store which sells books and magazines |
Juwelier | a person whose job is making, repairing or selling jewelry |
Schuhgeschäft | a shop that sells footwear and items related to footwear |
Textilgeschäft / Klamottengeschäft / Kleidergeschäft | a shop that sells various clothing |
Gemüsehändler | a person who sells fresh vegetables and fruit, normally from a relatively small shop |
Definition und Bild
a person whose job is making, repairing or selling jewelry | |
a person who sells fresh vegetables and fruit, normally from a relatively small shop | |
a shop that sells footwear and items related to footwear | |
a person who bakes and sells bread, cakes and similar items | |
a store which sells books and magazines | |
a shop that sells various clothing | |
a person who sells groceries (foodstuffs and household items) retail from a grocery store | |
a person who prepares and sells meat (and sometimes also slaughters the animals) | |
a shop which sells things than can be given away as gifts |
Übersetzung und Bild
Lebensmittelhändler | |
Bäcker | |
Textilgeschäft / Klamottengeschäft / Kleidergeschäft | |
Metzger | |
Gemüsehändler | |
Geschenkartikelladen | |
Juwelier | |
Schuhgeschäft | |
Buchhandlung |