Wortfeld: Verletzungen - Liste 2
- Vokabelliste: Neue Vokabeln lernen
- Vokabeltrainer: Vokabeln üben und einprägen
- Spiele und Quiz: Vokabeln spielerisch vertiefen
brechen | |
Fraktur / Knochenbruch | |
Gips | |
Verbrennung | |
Beule | |
verrenken / verdrehen | |
verstauchen | |
Zerrung | |
belasten / zerren | |
schaden / beschädigen | |
blauer Fleck / Prellung / Bluterguss | |
Schnittwunden und Prellungen | |
anschwellen | |
steif |
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Übersetzung:- brechen
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Synonym(e):crack, fracture
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imgserver-66-78160320Bild anzeigen
imgserver-66-stk65402corBild anzeigen
imgserver-66-stk62901corBild anzeigen
Übersetzung anzeigen
Übersetzung:- verstauchen
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Übersetzung anzeigen
Übersetzung:- schaden
- beschädigen
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Übersetzung anzeigen
Übersetzung:- blauer Fleck
- Prellung
- Bluterguss
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Übersetzung anzeigen
Übersetzung:- steif
Vokabeltrainer : Vokabeln üben und einprägen
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Spiele und Quiz : Vokabeln spielerisch vertiefen
Vervollständige das Wort, indem du die fehlenden Buchstaben eingibst!
break |
fracture |
cast |
burn |
bump |
twist |
sprain |
strain |
strain |
damage |
bruise |
swell |
stiff |
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Wort und Bild
Wort und Übersetzung
cast | Gips |
bruise | blauer Fleck / Prellung / Bluterguss |
sprain | verstauchen |
break | brechen |
stiff | steif |
cuts and bruises | Schnittwunden und Prellungen |
burn | Verbrennung |
swell | anschwellen |
fracture | Fraktur / Knochenbruch |
strain | Zerrung |
twist | verrenken / verdrehen |
bump | Beule |
strain | belasten / zerren |
damage | schaden / beschädigen |
Wort und Defintion
sprain | to weaken a joint, ligament, or muscle, by sudden and excessive exertion, as by wrenching; to overstrain, or stretch injuriously, but without luxation |
cast | a supportive and immobilising device used to help mend broken bones |
fracture | the act of breaking, or something that has broken, especially a bone |
break | to end up in two or more pieces that can't easily be reassembled; of a bone, to crack or fracture through a sudden physical strain |
swell | to become bigger than usual |
bump | a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury |
stiff | of an object, hard to bend and not flexible; of muscles, or parts of the body, painful, as a result of excessive, or unaccustomed exercise |
cuts and bruises | |
strain | to apply a force or forces to something by stretching out beyond what is normal or comfortable |
burn | a physical injury caused by heat, electricity, radiation or caustic chemicals |
twist | to turn the ends of something in opposite directions, often using force |
damage | to make something less intact or even destroy it; to harm or cause destruction |
strain | an excessive and hurtful exertion or tension, as of the muscles; an injury resulting from violent effort |
bruise | a purplish mark on the skin due to leakage of blood from capillaries under the surface that have been damaged by a blow |
Übersetzung und Definition
steif | of an object, hard to bend and not flexible; of muscles, or parts of the body, painful, as a result of excessive, or unaccustomed exercise |
Gips | a supportive and immobilising device used to help mend broken bones |
verrenken / verdrehen | to turn the ends of something in opposite directions, often using force |
verstauchen | to weaken a joint, ligament, or muscle, by sudden and excessive exertion, as by wrenching; to overstrain, or stretch injuriously, but without luxation |
Zerrung | an excessive and hurtful exertion or tension, as of the muscles; an injury resulting from violent effort |
Verbrennung | a physical injury caused by heat, electricity, radiation or caustic chemicals |
brechen | to end up in two or more pieces that can't easily be reassembled; of a bone, to crack or fracture through a sudden physical strain |
blauer Fleck / Prellung / Bluterguss | a purplish mark on the skin due to leakage of blood from capillaries under the surface that have been damaged by a blow |
anschwellen | to become bigger than usual |
Fraktur / Knochenbruch | the act of breaking, or something that has broken, especially a bone |
Beule | a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury |
schaden / beschädigen | to make something less intact or even destroy it; to harm or cause destruction |
Schnittwunden und Prellungen | |
belasten / zerren | to apply a force or forces to something by stretching out beyond what is normal or comfortable |
Definition und Bild
![]() | to turn the ends of something in opposite directions, often using force |
![]() | a purplish mark on the skin due to leakage of blood from capillaries under the surface that have been damaged by a blow |
![]() | to end up in two or more pieces that can't easily be reassembled; of a bone, to crack or fracture through a sudden physical strain |
![]() | a supportive and immobilising device used to help mend broken bones |
![]() | of an object, hard to bend and not flexible; of muscles, or parts of the body, painful, as a result of excessive, or unaccustomed exercise |
![]() | to weaken a joint, ligament, or muscle, by sudden and excessive exertion, as by wrenching; to overstrain, or stretch injuriously, but without luxation |
![]() | the act of breaking, or something that has broken, especially a bone |
![]() | an excessive and hurtful exertion or tension, as of the muscles; an injury resulting from violent effort |
![]() | to become bigger than usual |
![]() | a physical injury caused by heat, electricity, radiation or caustic chemicals |
Übersetzung und Bild
![]() | Zerrung |
![]() | steif |
![]() | anschwellen |
![]() | brechen |
![]() | Gips |
![]() | verstauchen |
![]() | verrenken / verdrehen |
![]() | Verbrennung |
![]() | blauer Fleck / Prellung / Bluterguss |
![]() | Fraktur / Knochenbruch |